Unix operating system is one of the most used and secure operating system which is using in development and deployment of lot of applications.Because of the Security of the UNIX operating system this is used in 90 percent of applications as a server operating system.Unix is Multi-user and Multitasking operating system which is used mainly as server in most of the applications.In this article i will give you the brief description of common unix commands which will useful to begin study of the unix. These Common Unix Commands are most commonly used commands which are related to date ,time ,username of logged in users,how to display calendar, host-name.
Ls List the content of a directory. Usage: ls options or ls options Options: -l list all files in long format. (permissions, users, filesize,date, and time are displayed).-a list all files including those beginning with a “.”-F list files distinguishing directories/ executables. symbolic links@. For example command -a -b -c -d can often be abbreviated as command -abcd Again, this is almost always the case - the most notable exceptions are in the GNU commands enscript and gcc. The following are a series of Unix commands which will help you use the computers. They are given in.k Prints a list of all manual pages containing the. Tar command examples. Create a new tar archive. $ tar cvf archivename.tar dirname/ Extract from. Describe all UNIX commands in details, but instead I picked commands that are useful and interesting from a user’s point of view. Most of the commands described in this reference card are explained in my UNIX and Internet book which is written in “Bahasa Indonesia” )Indonesian language.) Rahardjo, Budi (1994), Buku Pegangan Sistem Unix.
“Unix is simple,stable,multi-user,multitasking operating system which is used for Servers,Desktops and laptops.”
1.Logname :
Logname command is used to display the login name of the user.
This command is most Basic Unix Commands which is used for displaying the log in name of user. The user can be able to log in for multiple users. So that there is need to display the login name.So to display login name the command is useful.
2.PWD :
PWD is most commonly used command which is used to show the present working directory of the user.
This is another common unix commands which is used to display the current directory location. This is most frequently used Common unix commands.
3.Date :
Date command used to display the current date and time of the system.
Output:Wed APR 12 22:55:55 IST 2017
4.Clear :
Clear Command clears the screen.
5.Cal :
School management software free download full version with source code. Cal command displays the current month calendar.
6.Cal 2000 :
Displays year 2000 calendar.
7.Cal 01 2000:
Displays the 2000 year calendar for month of January.
8.Uname :
The Uname command displays Operating system name.Like Red-Hat,Fedora e.t.c.
RHEL 7.3
9.Uname -r :
The Uname with -r is used to display the kernel version of operating system.
$Uname -r
10.hostname :
The hostname is used to display the host name or server name.
11.hostname -i:
This command is used to show the host ip address.
$Hostname -i
12.Who :
This command gives the list of user connected to server.
Output :Amit
13.Finger usename :
It displays given user information.
14.Whoami :
This command displays current user information.
Output : Amit
15.tty :
This displays current ternimal name.
Output: /dev/console
16.uptime :
it displays how long server is up & running, no of users connected, average load on the server.
17.SU :
it is used to switch from one user account to another user account.
Example :
$SU Rohit
the above command switches account named “Amit” to account named “Rohit”.
18.Exit :
It is used to logout the current user account.
19.Man :
displays the Manual pages or help for given command.
Example: Man ls
The above command will show the manual pages of the command named ls.
Unix Tutorials :
12.paste Command
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