1. Tag Cloud Generator Bloggers
  2. Tag Cloud Generator Free Download
  3. Animated Tag Cloud

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  • If you set the post limit high, you need to be a little patient; Initial generation of your tag list can take a bit.
  • The post limit is currently capped at 2000. I might raise this in the future.
  • Actual appearance of the tag cloud depends on your theme.

What’s this?

A tag list generator for Tumblr. By adding the generated code to your theme, you get a dynamically updated tag list on your blog. Yay!

How do I use this?

Paste the generated code somewhere into your Tumblr theme. Depending on the theme you're using and how (in)experienced you are with HTML, there are several options for this. For either of these, go to your Customize Page. /shot-tracer-app-for-mac.html.

  1. Create a custom page: Click on “Add a page”, click the small “HTML” button and paste the code there. Give the page a name and title and save it. Many themes should automatically add a link to the created page in the navigation.
  2. Directly paste it to your Description. If this works or not and how good or awful this will look completely depends on the theme you use.
  3. Paste it into your theme’s HTML. This assumes that you know your way around your theme’s code a little bit, otherwise you could something up.

For more detailed instructions on option 1 and option 2, you could also take a look at the archived instructions of the - unfortunately defunct - page this application was inspired by.

How often does it update?

Fetching all the tags for all your posts every time somebody looks at your tag list would create unreasonable load for my server and generate a lot of unnecessary calls to the Tumblr API. Instead, I temporarily save your tag counts in a database and only the tags from the posts you created since the last refresh are added to the cached data (but at most every 5 minutes, so you might see some slight delay). Once every 24 hours, the cached data gets invalidated and I’ll reload the tags for all your posts in the specified limits, so it can take up to a day for the tag list to be completely accurate again if you’ve edited tags or deleted posts.

tl;dr: tags from new posts everytime somebody takes a look at your tag list, full refresh every 24 hours

I want to make a text post with my tags!

Just generate a tag list and copy and paste the output from the preview box.

Why isn’t it loading?

Getting the tags for a lot of posts might take a while. If you set the post limit above 1000, don’t be too impatient, it might easily take up to a minute initially. After it is generated once, the next times it’s going to be much quicker, since the result is cached. If nothing’s happening after several minutes, the Tumblr API might be having problems or my code might be buggy.

Tag Cloud Generator Bloggers

Does this work on mobile?

No, as this depends on the ability to customize your theme and the mobile Tumblr apps don’t provide any theme customization.

Is this free?


Tag Cloud Generator Free Download

I can’t get this to work / I don’t understand how to use this / I found a bug / I want to request a new feature

Animated Tag Cloud

I can’t guarantee you any support on how to properly add this to your theme. Take a look at the How To Use This above and the linked pages. Which options work and look nice depend a lot on your theme. If you think you found a bug or would like to see something added, you can see how to reach me on the Contact page.