The launch of Diablo III: Reaper of Souls – Ultimate Evil Edition is just a few weeks away, and many players intending to pick up the new version of the game may already be owners of Diablo IIIon the PS3 or Xbox 360.

Diablo 3 Patch 2.0.1 Now Available for Download in North America, Soon in Europe, Asia Update The new update brings major changes, a new loot system, and prepares for Reaper of Souls. Recommended Download RoS-PS3-Decrypter-Tool application, 240.09kB, uploaded Feb, 20 2015 -18758 downloads. Diablo III Patch 1.0.3 - v. - 2012 June 19. You may always view the patch notes on Blizzard's. Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition for PlayStation 3 game reviews & Metacritic score: PlayStation 3 players can now experience the full adventure of Blizzard's epic action RPG, Diablo III, and the upcoming expansion, Reaper of Souls all from the.

With that in mind, Blizzard has prepared a guide that allows you to transfer your characters from a last-gen console to a new-gen console, including the ability to transfer your Xbox 360 saves to the PS4, and your PS3 saves to the Xbox One. Yes, it works across platforms.

PS3 to PS3, Xbox 360 to Xbox 360

If you will be playing Ultimate Evil Edition on the same console on which you are currently playing Diablo III, follow the steps below to transfer your data.

  • Step 1: Insert your Ultimate Evil Edition disc or launch the digital version of the game.

Success! /viewsonic-td2220-touch-screen-driver.html. The game will automatically check for a cloud save or local save on the system and load it, if one exists. (Note: If you are using online storage for PS3, please be sure to download your saved data first.)

PS3 to PS4, Xbox 360 to Xbox One

If you will be playing Ultimate Evil Edition on a different console (same brand, different generation), follow the steps below to transfer your data.

Exporting Your Save from Diablo III:

  • Step 1: Insert your original Diablo III disc or launch the digital version of the game.
  • Step 2: Download and install patch 1.0.3 for Diablo III.
  • Step 3: Log in to your Sony Entertainment Network (SEN) or Xbox Live (XBL) account.
  • Step 4: Proceed to the main menu. Navigate to 'More' > 'Export Save.'
  • Step 5: Confirm this selection and proceed through any prompts that appear.

Success! You've exported your save data.

Importing Your Save to Ultimate Evil Edition:

  • Step 1: Log in to the same SEN or XBL account from which you exported your save.
  • Step 2: Insert your Ultimate Evil Edition disc or launch the digital version of the game.

Success! The game will now automatically check our servers for exported save data and load it on your new platform.

Manually Importing a Save:

If you launched Ultimate Evil Edition on a new platform before you exported your save, you will need to import your save manually. To manually import a save, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Insert your Ultimate Evil Edition disc or launch the digital version of the game.
  • Step 2: Log in to your Sony Entertainment Network or Xbox Live account.
  • Step 3: Proceed to the main menu. Navigate to 'More' > 'Export Save.'
  • Step 4: Confirm this selection and proceed through any prompts that appear.

Success! You've imported your save. (Note: Manually importing a save will overwrite any existing Ultimate Evil Edition save data currently on your system.)

PS3 to Xbox One, Xbox 360 to PS4

If you will be playing Ultimate Evil Edition on a different console (different brand, different generation), follow the steps below to transfer your data./microsoft-powerpoint-crack-download.html.

Linking Your Sony Entertainment Network and Xbox Live Accounts:

  • Step 1: Create an SEN and XBL account, if you don't already have both.
  • Step 2: Visit
  • Step 3: Log in to with your account, or create a new account.
  • Step 4: Press 'Continue.' You will be redirected to Sony.
  • Step 5: Log in to your SEN account you'll be importing a save from (or exporting a save to).
  • Step 6: Using the same browser, visit
  • Step 7: Press 'Continue.' You will be redirected to Microsoft.
  • Step 8: Log in to the XBL account you’ll be importing a save from (or exporting a save to).

Success! Your SEN and XBL accounts are now linked. You are now ready to import and export saves across brands and platform generations.

Exporting Your Save from Diablo III:

Diablo 3 guide ps3
  • Step 1: Insert your original Diablo III disc or launch the digital version of the game.
  • Step 2: Download and install patch 1.0.3 for Diablo III.
  • Step 3: Log in to your Sony Entertainment Network (SEN) or Xbox Live (XBL) account.
  • Step 4: Proceed to the main menu. Navigate to 'More' > 'Export Save.'
  • Step 5: Confirm this selection and proceed through any prompts that appear.

Success! You've exported your save data.

Importing Your Save to Ultimate Evil Edition:

  • Step 1: Log in to the same SEN or XBLaccount from which you exported your save.
  • Step 2: Insert your Ultimate Evil Edition disc or launch the digital version of the game.

Success! The game will now automatically check our servers for exported save data and load it on your new platform.

Manually Importing a Save:

If you launched Ultimate Evil Edition on a new platform before you exported your save, you will need to import your save manually. To manually import a save, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Insert your Ultimate Evil Edition disc or launch the digital version of the game.
  • Step 2: Log in to your Sony Entertainment Network or Xbox Live account.
  • Step 3: Proceed to the main menu. Navigate to 'More' > 'Export Save.'
  • Step 4: Confirm this selection and proceed through any prompts that appear.

Success! You've imported your save. (Note: Manually importing a save will overwrite any existing Ultimate Evil Edition save data currently on your system.)

The console version will get patches after the PC version, and other Blizzard Blues news

Ps3 Diablo 3 Patch DownloadAs the development continues for the Diablo III on the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4, more details are coming out about it. The latest info involves the patching process for the PS3 Diablo III, and how that will be following the PC patches. Beyond that, the Blizzard Blues gave details about the multi-craft feature coming in patch 1.0.8, and other news.
PS3 Diablo III Development
The console development team is going to be working from the PC patches for Diablo III, but they will be only implementing the parts that they think work best for the console version.
Ok, accepting your position about the console not affecting the past development of the PC version at face value, how about future development?
If a feature or NPC that would be wildly popular and beneficial to the game (pick a hypothetical, random example) was doable on PC, but just not technically feasible on console, would that preclude it from ever being implemented on the PC because it would cause the games to diverge too much?
Are the platforms tied together as far as Expansions are concerned or is the console version really its own game. My concern is that the console will hold back the PC expansion's release and content.

Back with an answer for you!
Our plan is to continue using staggered development, which means the PC version and the console version will have their own separate development teams and cycles. The goal with that is to really allow each team to make the right decisions for their respective platform without impacting the other. We're working on making an awesome console game. But, at the same time, we're going to continue to focus on making Diablo III an awesome PC game, implementing the improvements we've already discussed and actively watching your discussions to see how we can make your experience even more enjoyable. In the end, if a potential feature rocks for PC, but sucks for the console (or vice-versa) we won’t force it on that platform. And to be clear, PC is the lead platform.
So to answer your second question, the console version is its own game in many ways and should not impact the development of content for the PC version. It will, however, take its cue (in terms of things likes classes, skills, and major features) from PC.

Also, we're not saying 4 player co-op is more fun than having 5 players or 8 players. We're not saying it's less fun, either. We're saying that it's what we believe works best for Diablo III right now. That's due to a number of factors including screen noise, buff management and scaling, player contribution, and making sure certain group compositions didn't feel mandatory. We very carefully deliberated party size during development, and we continue to deliberate party size even now.
Posted by: Diablo2PVPER
What motivation do I have to purchase D3 on consul when I already have it for PC?

That's something you'll really need to figure out on your own. :) Maybe you prefer console games over PC games. Maybe you'd love to sit back and destroy some phase beasts from the comfort of your couch. Or maybe the idea of playing with 3 of your friends on the same screen is super exciting to you.
Our goal with developing a console version of Diablo III is really about opening up the game to an audience of players who haven't experienced it. If PC gamers who already own Diablo III want to give it shot because they think it looks fun, that's awesome! But if not, that's totally understandable too.
A new tidbit here, that the multi-crafting in patch 1.0.8 will also allow crafting from materials that are in the stash!

Diablo 3 Ps3 Download

This is currently scheduled for 1.0.8, and it'll work for both the Blacksmith and Jeweler (caveat on the Jeweler: you'll only be able to multi-craft gems within a single tier). I also believe you'll be able to craft items/gems using materials located in the shared stash.

The work continues on letting all dyes be used on legendary and set items, but that won't be done in time for patch 1.0.8.
Dyes for Legendaries are still being worked on, but they will not be coming with patch 1.0.8.
As I mentioned previously, our artists actually have to go back and redo the textures on all the Legendaries in order to make them dye-compatible, which is why it isn't a quick-fix.

Lastly, the Diablo III server maintenance on Tuesday, April 2 is now going to be server restarts, instead of a full maintenance.

Diablo 3 Guide Ps3

We’ll be restarting the Diablo III servers at approximately 5:00 a.m. PDT, April 2, which may cause some interruption in communication, inability to log in, or disconnections. We anticipate they'll be completed at approximately 6:30 a.m. PDT.
Thank you for your patience.