Download the Loader suggested by the wizard and after extracting it you will find ioncube folder, you have to paste this folder into C: wamp bin apache Apache2.4.4 bin ioncube directory (as per your Apache version).

  1. Ioncube Loader 5.4 Download
  2. Ioncube Loader Wizard
  3. Ioncube Loader Php
  4. Download
  5. Download

One option to protect your code against copy, ensuring nobody will be able to crack it is using ionCube. The ionCube Encoder compiles source code to bytecode being able to obfuscate and encrypt compiled code.

Secure and license your PHP scripts with the ionCube PHP Encoder 10.2. Secure valuable code with bytecode compilation, encryption and licensing capabilities. IonCube Loader is a PHP extension that works to decode PHP scripts previously encoded by the ionCube PHP Encoder package. The following information is provided as a guide for installing the ionCube loader needed to run PHP files encoded with ionCube on DreamHost servers. IonCube Loader Installer The ionCube Loader Installer is an application which attempts to install the ionCube Loader on a local or remote server. The ionCube Loader is a component that needs to be installed on the server for the encoded files to run. The Installer supports FTP and SFTP (only on Unix servers) protocols for the connection.

Once your php application is compiled with ioncube to bytecode, to run it you will have to install the ionCube Loader php extension.

In this post, we will show you how to install the ionCube loader

Let’s describe the step by step process for a 64bit Linux distribution (e.g. ubuntu 18.04 LTS).

IMPORTANT: if you are running your WordPress on a wetopi server you can jump to the step “3. Load the ionCube extension“, ionCube Loader is already installed!

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1 Download ionCube Loader

Ioncube Loader 5.4 Download

Download the latest release of ionCube Loader at

Download and extract:

2 Add the ionCube Loader php extension

You can find the folder where you have to copy the ioncube loader extension, using this shell command :

And copy your ioncube .so extension inside the folder displayed by the previous command, with php7.3 it should look like:

Before restarting the php-fpm process, you have to declare the zend_extension in the php.ini configuration file. The best way to proceed is to create a new .ini file inside the php extension configuration directory. You can find the configuration path with this shell command:

It will show you the path of the directory for the additional .ini file of the php cli. If you are running php-fpm, the directory will be the same but instead of /etc/php/7.3/cli/, it will begin with /etc/php/7.3/fpm/

3 Load the ionCube extension

To load ionCube we have to declare it as a zend_extension.

If you are running a wetopi specialized WordPress server, open a SFTP connection and edit your php.ini file /var/www/conf/php.ini

Locate this block of code and remove the ; to uncomment the zend_extension line:

On a clean Ubuntu 18.04 install, you can use the following shell command to write the ini file inside the corresponding configuration directory:

The last step is to reload the php-fpm process to apply the new configuration:

4 Apply the new configuration

If you are running a wetopi specialized WordPress server, You can reload php-fpm with a simple click in your wetopi panel. Go to your site server and click the Reload button you’ll find inside the “Menu Options”:

On an Ubuntu 18.04 install, you can use the standard shell command:

5 Verify ionCube loader is running

You can check if the install was successful with the command php -v, it should output something like:

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In this article, we’ll check how to install ionCube Loader with PHP in CentOS 7 and RHEL 7 distributions.
ionCube is a commercial software suite that includes a PHP encoder, package foundry, bundler, a real-time system for detecting intrusion into the site and error reporting software, and a loader.
PHP Encoder is an application for protecting PHP software, which is used to secure, encrypt, and license the PHP source code. ionCube loader is an extension that is used to load PHP files in a protected and encrypted way through the PHP encoder. This tool is often used in commercial software applications that are used to protect their source code and prevent it from being visible.


Your server must have a web server such as Apache or Nginx installed with PHP. If you do not have a web server or PHP on your system, you can install them using the yum command as below.

There are 5 steps to install Install IonCube:

    • Step1: Install Apache or Nginx web server with PHP
    • Step2: Download IonCube Loader
    • Step3: Install ionCube Loader for PHP
    • Step4: IonCube Loader configuration for PHP
    • Step5: Test ionCube Loader

Step1: Install Apache or Nginx web server with PHP

If your system has Apache or Nginx Engine installed with PHP, you can go to step 2, otherwise, you will have to use the following yum command to install them.

——————– Install Apache with PHP ——————–

——————– Install Nginx with PHP ——————–

Ioncube Loader Wizard

After installing Apache or Nginx and PHP engine on your system, start the webserver service and make sure that it is enabled to auto-start when booting the system using the following command.

——————– Start Apache Web Server ——————–

——————– Start Nginx + PHP-FPM Server ——————–

Step2: Download IonCube Loader

Go to the ioncube website and download the installation files, but before that, you must first check using the following command to see if Your system runs under 64-bit or 32-bit architecture.

Linux hosting 3.10.0-957.10.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Mar 18 15:06:45 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

The output above clearly shows that your operating system is running under 64-bit architecture.

According to the architecture of your Linux VPS system, download the appropriate ionloader files using the following wget command in the /tmp/ folder.

——————– For 64-bit System ——————–

——————– For 32-bit System ——————–

Then unzip the downloaded files using the tar command, then enter the unzipped folder and run the ls command to list the ioncube loader files for different versions of PHP.

Step3: Install ionCube Loader for PHP

There will be different files from the ionCube Loader for different PHP versions. You need to choose the right ioncube loader for the PHP version installed on your system. Run the following command to know the PHP version installed on the server.

PHP 7.2.17 (cli) (built: Apr 3 2019 10:02:16) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies

The result clearly shows that the system uses PHP 7.2.17, which of course must have a different version on your server.

Then, find the extension folder path for PHP 7.2, which is actually where the ioncube loader file will be installed. From the output of the following command, it is clear that the path is / usr / lib64 / php / modules. /vico-office-software-download.html.

extension_dir => /usr/lib64/php/modules => /usr/lib64/php/modules

Then we need to copy the ioncube loader to PHP 7.2 to the extension directory. (/ usr / lib64 / php / modules).

Note: Make sure you have correctly replaced the PHP version and the extension path in the above command according to your system settings.

Step4: IonCube Loader configuration for PHP

Now we need to configure the ioncube loader to work with PHP in the php.ini file.

Then we add the following line as the first line to php.ini.

zend_extension = /usr/lib64/php/modules/

Note: Make sure you have correctly replaced the PHP version and the extension path in the above command according to your system settings.

Ioncube Loader Php

Then save the file and exit. Now we need to restart the Apache webserver or Nginx engine in order to make changes to the ionCube Loader.

——————– Start Apache Web Server ——————–

——————– Start Nginx + PHP-FPM Server ——————–

Step5: Test ionCube Loader

To test whether the ionCube Loader is now installed and properly configured, check your PHP version again. Now you should be able to see and configure the message that php with ionCube extension (status must be enabled) as shown below.

The above output confirms that PHP is now loaded and enabled with ionCube Loader. Download

ionCube Loader is a PHP extension for securely loading and encrypting files using PHP encoder. We hope that everything related to this post will work properly in your implementation.

If still, you don’t have a server, you can buy Linux VPS and strat your configurations.


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