He is the supreme being and the destroyer of evil. Witness lord Shiva's story, his avatars, and a union that shaped the universe - his marriage to Parvati. Watch Devon Ke Dev. Mahadev - Hindi Mythology serial on Disney+ Hotstar now. Download all episodes of Devon Ke Dev Mahadev in HD. I have been an ardent fan of “Devon Ke Dev Mahadev” ever since i saw the first Episode on Life Ok Channel.I tried to catch each and every episode from time to time but after Mahadev & Parvati Mata’s wedding and they having kids, i just lost track.

Om Namah: Shivaay. Mahadev(Shiva) is also named as Shiva- ‘Om’ is the first name of Mahadev and then ‘Naman’ to Shiva. ‘Satyam, Shivam and Sundaram’ which is pure truth is Brahma: – Brahma means God. The one who is Mahadev is the supreme auspicious and pure self element and the one who is Brahma is the ultimate nature. That is, nothing is known other than God, Mahadev, and Parvati. Knowing them and getting absorbed in them is the way – Hindutva.

Mahadev is eternal, etc., middle and infinite. Mahadev is the first and Mahadev is the last. Mahadev is the only ultimate cause and function of the whole Sanatana Dharma. Mahadev(Shiva) is the root of religion. From Mahadev itself, there is religion, meaning, work, and salvation. All the world is in the shelter of Shiva, which is not a refuge for Shiva, that creature drowns in a deep trough of sorrow, it is said as Purana. Nature never forgives anyone who unknowingly insults Mahadev.

Mahadev himself is Brahma: Mahadev holds the posture of Yaksha and has long beautiful hands, which have ‘jinx’ bow in his hands, which are Satta Swarup i.e. Sanatan, omvar Swarupa Divya Gunasupa, despite being bright, who is the Digambara. Those who are wearing the necklace of Mahadev(Shiva) Nagaraja Vasuki, Ardhangn with ash or ghosts on the body, Jatadhari, Rudraksh, a and snake around the neck, dance the Tandava and Nandi lives with them.

There is a third eye on his forehead. They are always calm and meditative.

It is believed that according to Mahadev(shiva) Purana, Shiva’s parents are Sadashiv and Durga. Sadashiv from Brahm (Parameshwara), Durga from Sadashiva. Mahadev, Rudra, Brahma, and Vishnu originated from Sadasiva-Durga. He was called Mahadev because of Rudra’s eternal form.

According to Shivpuran, once Vishnu and Brahma both fought for supremacy, in the middle a pillar Arises. Then both of them asked- ‘What are the characteristics of the 5 duties of God’s creation, etc.? Tell this to both of us.

Then Jyotirling Roop Kaal said- ‘son, both of you have done austerities and have received two acts of creation (birth) and status (observance) from me. In the same way, Maheshwar and Rudra, my Vibhuti form, have received Sanhaar (destruction) and Tiro bhava (kriya), but cannot find any other act called Anugraha (Kripa). Both Maheshwar and Rudra have not forgotten their act, so I have given them equal equality. ‘ Sadashiv says- Mahesh and Rudra keep the same vehicle as me, disguise themselves like me and they have weapons like me. They are similar to me in form, vehicle, posture, dress, and act.

It is because of Mahadev that all religions originate: Mahadev is the teacher and God of the world. According to the recognition, Mahadev gave his knowledge to the sages. The Sapt Rishis took knowledge from Mahadev and spread it in different directions and spread Shaivism, yoga, and knowledge in every corner of the earth. These seven sages have not left any person who has not been taught the knowledge of Mahadev karma, tradition, etc. Today it will be seen in all religions.

Sapta Rishi is the first pupil of Shiva: Lord Mahadev(Shiva) is the main yogi and he has the most profound comprehension of human instinct. He chose 7 sages to extend their insight and gave them information on various parts of yoga, which turned into the 7 essential parts of yoga. After some time, several branches rose up out of these 7 structures. Afterward, seeing the unpredictability of yoga, Patanjali absorbed the whole Yoga Shastra in 200 sutras in 300 BC. The eighth appendage of yoga is moksha. 7 Angas is there to arrive at that salvation.

Har Har Mahadev

It was Mahadev(shiva) who began the Guru and Shishya convention, because of which even today, Nath, Shaiva, Shakta, and so on., all the holy people keep on following a similar custom. Adi Guru Shankaracharya and Guru Gorakhnath conveyed this convention further. Because of the devotees of Shiva, distinctive various religions have been set up on the planet. Universally acclaimed researcher Professor admirer of Buddhist writing accepts that Shankar was conceived as a Buddha. He likewise introduced a few contentions in such manner – alluding to the 27 Buddhas referenced in the Pali writings, he said that among them the three names of Buddha are old – Tanankar, Shankar, and Meghankar. Similarly, Lord Mahadev(Shiva) unmistakably affected the way of life and religion of the West. In Mushrik, Yazidi, Sabian, Subi, Ibrahimi religions, the impression of Shiva’s quality can be unmistakably observed. A follower of Mahadev(Shiva) had established the framework of Shiva’s religion by setting off toward the west, whose name and structure changed after some time.

In the Rigveda, there is a depiction of Vrishabhadeva, the first Tirthankara of the Jains, called Rishabhanath. They are likewise called Adinath and Mahadev(shiva) is additionally called Adinath. It is accepted that after Shiva, a custom was initially begun from him which later got partitioned into Shaiva, Siddha, Nath, Digambar, and Sufi orders. In any case, it involves inquiring about it. The Mahadev(shiva) convention is referenced in the sacred texts of Shaivas, Shaktas. India K. Chandravanshi, Suryavanshi, Agnivanshi, and Nagvanshi are likewise considered by the convention of Shiva. The divinity of India’s defender and innate position is Shiva. Shaivism is meant to be the religion of all the tribals of the world.

Shrikhand Mahadev(shiva) has been revered in India as well as in numerous different nations of the world. Numerous confirmations of this have been gotten every once in a while. Unearthings at Harappa and Mohenjodaro have additionally discovered such remains that offer proof of Mahadev(Shiva) venerate. A Gana Nandi of Mahadev(Shiva) formed Kamasutra. Kamasutra was composed based on Kamasastra itself. At last, the way of thinking and biography of Mahadev(Shiva) is available in various structures in each religion of the world and their writings and the purpose behind this distinction is the changing of convention and language.

Badge of all religions in astounding outfits: You probably observed an image or sculpture of Lord Shankar. Shiva’s shoes are. Those jatas have a sickle moon sign, which is an image of numerous religions. They convey a snake and a festoon of Rudraksha around their neck. He has a damru in one hand and a trident in the other. A bow and bolt-on his shoulder. He used to have Sudarshan Chakra in his grasp some time back, in light of the fact that he fabricated it. Mahadev(shiva) is wearing Tripund Tilak on his head.

He is wearing a curl in the ears, a surge of Ganga radiating from the fly, and burning the whole body. They keep their lower body secured with skin. They ride Taurus and contemplate Mount Kailash. His Deity structure is Shivalinga. Have you at any point considered what is the mystery behind all these Mahadev(shiva) images? The ensembles of Mahadev(Shiva) are with the end goal that individuals of each religion can discover their images in them.

Divine force of Gods: Mahadev: During the hours of Brahma and Indra, there was rivalry from the evil presences of the divine beings. In such a circumstance, at whatever point the Gods were in a difficult situation, they all went to Devadhidev Mahadev. Divine beings including evil spirits, devils additionally tested Mahadev(shiva) commonly, yet they all surrendered and bowed to Shiva, hence Mahadev(shiva) is Mahadev, the lord of the gods. He is likewise the adored God of evil presences, evil spirits, and apparitions. Devas who venerate Bhagavan Mahadev(shiva) are all alongside evil presences, devils, devils, vampires, Gandharvas, yakshas, and so forth. He offers shelter to Ravana just as Rama.

Har Har Mahadev Episode

Varadani Shiva: Immediately satisfied: Shiva’s greatness is found in the Puranas. On being deceived by Brahma, Mahadev(shiva) reviled Brahma and gave help to Vishnu. They were trapped in the snare of the shelter that Mahadev(shiva) had given to Bhasmasura. Mahadev(shiva) had expended Kamdev. Mahadev(shiva) decimated Daksha’s yajna. Whether an evil spirit, a god, or a customary human, Mahadev(shiva) never oppressed his lovers. On the off chance that somebody genuinely recollects that them, they effectively make them their own and satisfy all their desires. He offered aids to numerous devils like Bhasmasura, Shukracharya, Ravana, and so on. The significance of Mahadev(Shiva) is as much in a left way for what it’s worth in the south. It is difficult to try to salvation without Shiva.

Neelkanth Shiva: The noxious snake sits on Lord Shiva’s throat. Mahadev(shiva) had a toxic substance named Kalkoot which came out during Amrit Manthan. It is additionally called Hallahan. Kalkuta was harmful earth that would have crushed the earth. What might have occurred if Lord Mahadev(Shiva) would have flushed the entire toxin totally? In any case, nobody had the capacity to drink that poison. Master Mahadev(shiva) conveyed that poison in his throat. His throat got blue because of wearing it in the throat. That is the reason they are called Neelkanth. Numerous researchers consider the wonder of sea stirring to be an emblematic occasion that is bogus. Accepting that they need to make the authentic occasions of Hinduism fantasy and mythic. While such an episode occurred and there is proof of this. There is additionally the sap of a plant called kalkut which is enthusiastic. Its medication is made.

Mahadev(shiva) gave to family and spouses: All Mahadev(shiva) cherished Sati and furthermore adored her in the following life and thought of them as her life accomplice. Shiva’s feeling of devotion and adoration for his better half is with the end goal that no other model can be found. While not enduring the affront of her significant other, Mahadev(shiva) likewise turns out to be so enthusiastic in his better half’s separation in the wake of bouncing into the conciliatory fire of Daksha of Mother Sati that by pulverizing everything, he continues visiting the earth alongside the assortment of Sati. .At the point when his body is totally obliterated, he goes to the Himalayas and sets up a tomb.

Har Har Mahadev Youtube

At that point when the move of Cupid is upset by his samadhi, at that point he devours Kamadeva as a discipline. At the point when the Gods and Gods reveal to them that Sati is doing hard compensation to get you conceived as Parvati then their displeasure is calmed. They are cheerful again in the wake of getting Sati. This shows how selective Mahadev(shiva) is and adoring his significant other’s spirit. It is superb to hear both Mahadev(shiva) and Parvati depicting their affection and devotion towards one another.

Shiva’s family is astounding: Shiva’s family is an awesome thing. Solidarity in decent variety and parity in complexities can be gained from the Mahadev(shiva) family itself. In the event that you see the vehicles of each Mahadev(shiva) family or the creatures related to them, at that point, the area of drinking ghat water can be seen plainly. Shivaputra Karthikeya’s vehicle is a peacock, however Shivji’s adornments are snakes. Coincidentally, peacock, and snake are enemies. Here, Ganpati’s vehicle is a rodent, while the snake is a rat. Parvati herself is a Symbol of power, Jagadamba’s vehicle is a Lion. However, Shivji’s vehicle is a Nandi bull. What is the status of the poor bull before the lion? Be that as it may, despite these adversaries and significant levels of defeat, Shiva’s family cheerfully gets to know one another on Mount Kailash.

Mahadev(shiva) and Parvati likewise play Chaupar, they additionally cannabis. Ganapathi considers the rotating of guardians as a world visit equal. Notwithstanding the logical inconsistencies, irregularities, and contradictions of nature, everything is simple, on the grounds that the leader of the family has placed all the toxic substance in his throat. The Mahadev(shiva) family is a genuine case of the harmony between inconsistencies. In the house where the Mahadev(shiva) family is imagined, there is family solidarity, love, and amicability.

Cutting and Adding Head: Lord Mahadev(Shiva) had decapitated Ganesha and put an elephant’s head on it. Raja Daksha was decapitated by his Gana Veerabhadra, yet Mahadev(shiva) later excused Daksha and put a goat’s head on his middle. Essentially, he had additionally executed Jalandhar. The leader of the three Tarkaksha, Kamalaksha, and Vidyunmali was cut off by a solitary bolt. By removing his head, he was called Tripurasura. He once cut off one of his heads in view of being deceived by Brahma. First Brahma had five heads. Panchamukhi Brahma.

Mahadev(shiva) had these weapons and weapons: Very scarcely any individuals realize that Sudarshan Chakra was made by Lord Shankar. As per antiquated and bona fide sacred texts, it was worked by Lord Shankar. After development Lord Mahadev(Shiva) gave it over to Srivishnu. Srivishnu offered it to Goddess Parvati when required. Parvati offered it to Parashurama and Lord Krishna got this Sudarshan Chakra from Parashurama. Pinaka, the bow of Shiva, was the biggest and incredible bow on the planet. Mists burst from the bow of the bow which Mahadev(shiva) had made and mountains began moving. Maybe a quake had happened. This bow was amazing which nobody can lift. Prabhu Shriram did the impossible and lifted this bow and broke it. Thus, Trishul of Mahadev(Shiva) was additionally enriched with numerous forces. Shiva’s exceptional weapon was Pashupatastra, which he educated to a significant number of his lovers, including Parashurama.

Mount Kailash is the focal point of the earth: According to Shiv Puran, Lord Mahadev(Shiva) dwells on Mount Kailash. The Puranas portray the wonder of Mount Kailash, the tallest and the best among the mountains. Arriving in old occasions was not only everybody’s control. Mount Kailash and Mansarovar are viewed as the focuses of the earth. Mansarovar is the heavenly spot, which is viewed as the homestead of Shiva. It is one of the most significant journey sites for Hindus.

Mount Kailash is 22068 feet above ocean level and is situated in Tibet in the northern locale from the Himalayas. Since the Tibet region is under China, Kailash Parvathi comes to China. Being encompassed by Manasarovar Lake further upgrades the strict significance of Mount Kailash. This spot has unique importance for different religions since old occasions. The different convictions and fables related to this spot show just a single truth, that is, God is reality, actually Shiva.

Mahadev(shiva) Gana: Lord Mahadev(Shiva) is constantly prepared to secure Lord Mahadev(Shiva) and comply with his requests. Bhairava is viewed as the most conspicuous among his ganas. At that point comes Nandi’s number and afterward Virbhadra. The symbol of Bhairavji as a defender (Kotwal) is additionally introduced any place the Mahadev(shiva) sanctuary is set up. Bhairava is in two forms – Kaal Bhairava and Batuk Bhairava. Then again, Virbhadra was a courageous Ganesha of Mahadev(Shiva) who isolated the head of Daksha Prajapati at the command of Shiva. According to Deva Samhita and Skanda Purana, Mahadev(shiva) made a Gan called ‘Virbhadra’ from his jata. Along these lines, these were his boss Gana-Bhairava, Veerabhadra, Manibhadra, Chandis, Nandi, Shringi, Bhrigirity, Shail, Gokarna, Ghantakarna, Jai, and Vijay. Aside from this, vampires, devils, and snakes, creatures are likewise viewed as the Ganesha of Shiva. All these ganas continue meandering in the earth and the universe and keep uplifting news of each individual, soul, and so forth.

Shiva’s guardian: No goddess or god, evil presence or devil could enter the region of Mount Kailash in that period without the consent of Shiva’s watchman. These guardians were positioned in all directions.>

The names of these guardians are Nandi, Skanda, Riti, Taurus, Bhringi, Ganesh, Uma-Maheshwar, and Mahakal. It is imperative that Nandi, the gana and watchman of Shiva, made Kamasastra. Kamasutra was composed based on Kamasastra itself.

Mahadev(shiva) Panchayat:

The choice of the panchayat is viewed as last. At the point when any significant choice must be taken between the fights of divine beings and evil presences, at that point the choice of Shiva’s panchayat was conclusive. Shiva’s panchayat comprised of 5 divinities. These 5 divinities were: – 1. Surya, 2. Ganapati, 3. Devi, 4. Rudra and 5. Vishnu These are called Mahadev(shiva) Panchayats.

Mahadev(shiva) Councilor: Just as Jai and Vijay are Vishnu’s councilors, correspondingly Bana, Ravana, Chand, Nandi, Bhringi, and so on are Shiv’s councilors. It is seen here that Nandi and Bhringi are additionally gana, likewise guard and counselor.

Mahadev(shiva) image:

The imprint which can be generated by every single standard individual, from the timberland inhabitant, the chunk of the stone, is viewed as the indication of Shiva. Aside from this, Rudraksha and Trishul are additionally viewed as an indication of Shiva. A few people additionally consider Damru and Ardh Chandra as images of Shiva. Be that as it may, a great many people love Shivalinga for example the light of Shiva.

Shiva’s Cave

Mahadev(shiva) gave aid to an asura that whosoever you lay your hands on will be expended. Because of this aid, asura’s name became Bhasmasura. He previously thought of eating up Shiva. Master Shankar fled from that point to escape Bhasmasura. Bhasmasura likewise began pursuing him. While running, Mahadev(shiva) halted almost a slope and afterward he manufactured a collapse this slope with his trident and he again stowed away in a similar cavern. Later Vishnu came and spared his life. The cavern is accepted to be on the slopes of Trikuta, 150 km from Jammu. Seeing these lovely slopes quiets the brain. Consistently several fans love Mahadev(shiva) in this cavern.

Birth of Shiva

The introduction of Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahadev(Shiva) is a puzzle. The narratives of the births of the three are distinctive in the Vedas and Puranas, yet how much truth is there in the Puranic accounts of their introduction to the world and how evident are the tales written in the Vedas of their introduction to the world, need an investigated view. Here it is to be remembered that God is unborn. There are numerous accounts in various Puranas about the introduction of Lord Mahadev(Shiva) and Vishnu. As indicated by Mahadev(shiva) Purana, Lord Mahadev(Shiva) is considered as Swayambhu while as per Vishnu Purana, Lord Vishnu is Swayambhu.

As indicated by Mahadev(shiva) Purana, when Lord Mahadev(Shiva) was scouring nectar on his lower leg, at that point Lord Vishnu was conceived from him, while as per Vishnu Purana, Brahma was conceived from Lord Vishnu’s navel lotus, while Mahadev(shiva) is said to have started from the greatness of Lord Vishnu’s brow. . As indicated by Vishnu Purana, Mahadev(shiva) consistently remains in Yogamudra because of the sharpness of the brow.

Everybody needs to know the account of Shiva’s introduction to the world. As indicated by Shrimad Bhagwat, when Lord Vishnu and Brahma were overpowered by pomposity, battling themselves as unrivaled, at that point Lord Mahadev(Shiva) showed up with a consuming column which nobody could get Brahma or Vishnu.

In the event that somebody has a youth, there will most likely be birth and an end. The Vishnu Purana portrays the kid type of Shiva. As indicated by this, Brahma required a youngster. He did compensation for this. At that point out of nowhere Mahadev(shiva), the crying youngster showed up on his lap. At the point when Brahma approached the youngster the purpose behind crying, he answered honestly that his name isn’t ‘Brahma’ so he is crying.


At that point, Brahma named Mahadev(shiva) as ‘Rudra’ which signifies ‘wearer’. Mahadev(shiva) despite everything didn’t stay quiet, so Brahma gave him another name, however Mahadev(shiva) didn’t care for the name he despite everything didn’t stay silent. Along these lines, Brahma gave 8 names to quietness Mahadev(shiva) and Mahadev(shiva) got known by 8 names (Rudra, Shravan, Bhava, Ugra, Bhima, Pashupati, Ishaan, and Mahadev). As per Mahadev(shiva) Purana these names were composed on the earth.

Devon Ke Dev-Mahadev.
Also known asMahadeva
Devon Ke Dev..Mahadev - Rudra Bhi Aur Bhole Bhi
Written byC.L. Saini
Brij Mohan Pandey
Koel Chaudhuri
Mihir Bhuta
Dr. Bodhisattva
Aas Mohammad Abbasi
Bhavna Vyas
Manoj Tripathi
Utkarsh Naithani
Subrat Sinha
Aayush Agrawal
Directed byNikhil Sinha
Ismail Umarr Khan
Manish Singh
Govind Agrawal
Satish Bhargav
Creative directorsAniruddh Pathak
Nitin Shukla
Animesh Verma
Hiten Ganatra
Prangshu P Ghosh
kadar kazi(kk)
Aayush Agrawal
StarringMohit Raina
Saurabh Raaj Jain
Mouni Roy
Sonarika Bhadoria
Puja Banerjee
Suhasi Goradia Dhami
Opening themeShiv Shiv (Otherwise known as Devon Ke Dev.. Mahadev Title Song.)
ComposerSajan Rajan mishra
Country of originIndia
Original languageHindi
No. of seasons36
No. of episodes820
Executive producersDeepak Panth
Aayush Agrawal
ProducersCo Producer
Nikhil Sinha (Triangle Film Company)
Creative Producer
Anirudh Pathak
CinematographyDeepak Garg
Amit Malvia
Camera setupMulti-camera
Running time20 minutes
(Mahaepisode. 45 minutes)
DistributorStar India
Original networkLife OK
Picture format576i
1080i (HDTV)
Audio formatDolby Digital Plus
Original release18 December 2011 –
14 December 2014
External links

Devon Ke Dev.. Mahadev (English: Lord of the Lords.. Mahadev), often abbreviated as 'DKDM', was a mythological devotional drama series based on the Hindu god, Lord Shiva, also known as Mahadev.[1] It premiered on 18 December 2011, airing Monday to Friday nights on Life OK. The series concluded on 14 December 2014, having completed a total of 820 episodes.[2]


The show's plot revolve around the story of Lord Shiva. This mesmerizing story of Lord Shiva and his all avatar traces his journey from being an ascetic to a family-man.

During the creation of the world by Lord Brahma, Adi Shakti leaves Shiva from his Ardhanarishvara form. So to shape the universe she takes various births to marry Shiva but failed 106 times due to which Shiva becomes an ascetic. Hence Lord Brahma suggests his mind-born son Prajapati Daksh please Adi Shakti and ask her to incarnate as his daughter.

She takes birth as Daksh's daughter Sati. Meanwhile, Shiva cuts Brahma's fifth head making Daksh hate him. Sati falls for Shiva and finally marries him, much to Daksh's dismay. Hence, Daksh humiliates Shiva in front of Sati in his yagna. Sati being unable to tolerate this, sacrifices her life once again. So, Shiva orders Virabhadra to behead Daksh but later revive him on Prasuti's request and Shiva goes into deep meditation for centuries.

Adi Shakti later incarnates as Parvati, daughter of the Himalayas who meditates for 3000 years to please Mahadev to marry her. And finally, Mahadev and Parvati married. Later, Mahadev imparts some tantric knowledge to Parvati that helps her to take various forms like Nav Durga (Shailaputri, Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skandamata, Katyayani, Kaalratri, Mahagauri, and Siddhidhatri); Mahavidyas (Kali, Tara, Tripura Sundari, Bhuvaneshvari, Tripura Bhairavi, Chhinnamasta, Dhumavati, Bagalamukhi, Matangi and Kamala) and Matrikas (Brahmani, Vaishnavi, Maheshvari, Indrani, Kaumari, Varahi, Chamunda, Narasimhi, Vinayaki) to destroy various demons like Raktabija, Mahishasura, Shumbha Nishumbha, Chanda Munda, Durgmasura, Arunasura, Banasura, etc. Later, Shiva and Parvati extend their family to Karthikeyan and Ganesha.

The show also includes various forms of Mahadev including Virabhadra, Swami Adiyogi, Aghori, Bhoothnath, Vaidynaath, Bhairav, Rishabh, Pashupatinath, Kaal Bhairav, Baba Lokhnath, Shambhu, Nat Bhairav, Natraja, Martand, etc. in order to maintain sustainability in the universe, teaching humans moral values and slaying various asuras like Jalandhara, Andhak, Apasmarg, Vritrasura, Bhasmasura, Tripura, Shankachura, Nigaas, etc. The show also covers various folk stories of Lord Shiva to teach people moral values and ways to get moksha in the Kali Yuga. The supreme God protects common people from the evil demons and uncompassionate rulers by taking various avatars in human form. The story of twelve Jyotirlinga is also shown completely.

List of characters[edit]

Mohit Raina[3]Shiva / Mahadev / Mahakala / Nataraja / Nilakantha / Jalandhara / Jatta / Virabhadra / Kal Bhairav / Ardhanarishvara / Chandrashekar / Dattatreya / Lohitang(elder) / Yaksha / Kiraat / Vyadh / Aadi Yogi / Aghora / Martand (Khandoba) / Nat Bhairav / Acharya Mahatapa / Vrishabh / Loknath / Bhoothnath / Pashupatinath / Shambhu / Vaidhyanath / Har-Narayan / Harihara / Bhola/ Jalandhar
Saurabh Raaj JainNarayana/Lord Krishna/Rama/Dattatreya/Harihara/Nara-Narayana/Har-Narayan/Guru Pratyaya
Mouni RoySati/Dakshayani/Durga/Adi Parashakti
Sonarika Bhadoria / Puja Banerjee / Suhasi Goradia DhamiParvati / Adi Parashakti / Adi Shakti / Durga / Matsya Kanya / Ashta-Matrikas / Navadurga / Kali / Mahakali / Dasha-Mahavidyas / Ardhanarishvara / Kaalratri / Bhramari Devi / Bheelni / Gayatri Devi / Goddess Bhairavi / Mahalasa / Goddess Katyayani
Anushka SenChild Parvati
Rushiraj PawarSenapati Kartikeya / Murugan
Tanya SharmaDevasena
Ahsaas Channa / Ashnoor KaurAshokasundari
Lavanya Bhardwaj / Rishi KhuranaNahusha
Sadhil Kapoor / Alpesh Dhakan / Ehsaan BhatiaGanesha / Vinayak
Aarya VoraSiddhi
Amrita SinghBuddhi
Kratika Sengar/Reem ShaikhManasa
Ragini Rishi/Falaq NaazGoddess Lakshmi / Harjpriya / Vedavati / Sita / Radha / Rukmini / Padmavati[disambiguation needed]
Piyush SahdevRama
Rubina DilaikSita
Radha Krishna DuttLord Brahma / Dattatreya
Pooja Sharma / Salina Prakash / Via Roy ChoudharySaraswati
Jiten LalwaniLord Indra
Kumar HedgeNandi
Priyanka ThakareSuyasha (Nandi's wife)
Vishal KotianHanuman
Shivangi SharmaIndrani
Manish BishlaSurya
Vicky BatraChandra
Hans Dev SharmaVishvakarma
Manoj KolhatkarSage Dadhichi
Yogesh MahajanSage Bhrigu
Rajeev BharadwajSage Kashyap
Romanch MehtaSage Atri
Jayant RawalMaharishi Halahal
Jitendra TrehanSage Markandeya
Shailesh DatarSage Narada
Darshan KumarSage Shukracharya
Raman KhatriSage Atharvan
Atul SinghSage Pulaha
Sushil ParasharSage Pitamber
Vikramjeet VirkBanasur
Hemant ChoudharyPrajapati Vishwaroop
Samiksha BhattJaya
Ram AwanaChakri
Deepika Upadhyay / Sangeeta Khanayat / Yashashree ChiplunkerGoddess Ganga / Godavari / Banai
Anjali AbrolMeenakshi
Mohit SharmaVasuki
Kunal VermaLakshman
Garima JainUrmila
Rohit SagarVayu
Vineet KumarBharat
Harshad AroraShatrughna
Ulka GuptaDevi Kanya Kumari
Arbaaz Ali KhanBalarama
Vishesh BansalGrihapati
Mohit Dagri(Younger) Lohitang
Raj PremiDemon Tarakasur
Rahul DevDemon Arunasur
Chetan HansrajNighas
Deepak JethiMahishasura
Manav GohilAndhaka
Tej SapruShankhachudha
Ankur NayyarKrauncha Giri
Ibrar YakubTuhund
Tushar Jha(Younger) Jalandhara
Arun BaliVajranaka (Tarakasur's father)
Akhilendra MishraKing Mahabali
Sanjay SwarajBhasmasur
Manish Wadhwa / Tarun KhannaRavan
Sudesh BerryMalla / Mani
Abhaas MehtaAdi
Rakshanda KhanMadanike
Anupam BhattacharyaRipunjay / Devodas
Ojaswi Oberoi / Parakh Madan[4]Mohini
Ritu ChauhanRati
Pankaj DheerKing Himavan
Mugdha Shah / Shilpa TulaskarQueen Mainavati
Khyaati Khandke KeswaniKritika
Surendra Pal
Shalini Kapoor SagarQueen Prasuti
Rishina Kandhari / Riyanka ChandaPrincess Khyati
Priyanka PanchalPrincess Aditi
Charu Asopa / Kanishka SoniPrincess Revati
Surbhi ShuklaPrincess Rohini
Manini MishraPrincess Vijaya
Annapurna Vitthal BhairiShanta
Suhasini MulayParvati's grandmother
Deepraj RanaParshuram
Amrapali GuptaMatsyakanya
Prabhat BhattacharyaKing Aayu
Neha KaulIndumati
Jaya BhattacharyaDiti
Anand GoradiaPushpadanta
Dolly SohiMahalasa's mother
Shilpa ShindeMahananda
Vivek MishraYella Koti
Pankaj BerryRaja Durdum
Mitika SharmaQueen Sunaina
Mohit ChauhanKing Janaka
Mihir MishraKing Dashratha
Gauri SinghQueen Kaushalya
Anushka SinghQueen Sumitra
Manasvi VyasQueen Kaikeyi
Tapeshwari SharmaUsha / Behula
Arti SinghVaani
Bhavna KhatriChitralekha
Daya Shankar PandeyLakulish
Tushar DalviChandradhar
Malhar PandyaAniruddha / Lakhsmichandra
Parul ChaudharySanaka
Deepali PansareTulsi
Rajendra ChawlaAcharya Gyanmurti
Gungun UprariMaharani
Neha MardaVrinda
Jaya BinjuAndhaka's Wife
Chestha MehtaPrithvi
Javed PathanMayadhari
Samiksha BhatnagarMandodari
Mansi SharmaIndrani
Sudeep SarangiShatbhish
Anju AjayakumarChild Usha


Ritoo Jenjani had done the prosthetic makeup for the presentation of Kali.[5]

90 people were working under graphic department of the series. An episode of the series cost ₹14 Lakhs for production.[6]

Sonarika Bhadoria was replaced by Puja Bannerjee as Parvati in July 2013.[7] However, in December 2013, Bannerjee quit citing health issues and was replaced by Suhasi Dhami.[8]Mouni Roy who quit the series with the end of her role in 2012 returned as Sati in 2014.[9]

In April 2014, a fire broke out on one of the show's sets in Mumbai. However, none were injured with only minor damages to property.[10]/nitro-pro-9-serial-key-list.html.


The series has been dubbed into several languages including:

  • in Bengali as Devadidev Mahadev on Star Jalsha
  • in Kannada as Om Namah Shivay on Star Suvarna
  • in Malayalam as Kailasanathan on Asianet
  • in Marathi as Devanche Dev Mahadev on Star Pravah
  • in Oriya as Mahadev on Tarang TV
  • in Tamil as Shivam on Star Vijay
  • in Telugu as Hara Hara Mahadeva on Star Maa
  • in Indonesian as Mahadewa on antv
  • in Thai as Shiva Phra Mahadev on Bright TV

The series was also remade in Kannada as HaraHara Mahadeva on Star Suvarna.[11]

The series was re-aired on Star Bharat from 5 August 2018 to 24 November 2019 on Sundays, and again during the coronavirus lockdown on Star Bharat from 17 March 2020 to 11 June 2020 and on Star Plus from 14 April 2020 to 12 July 2020.[12]

The series is currently being broadcast on the newly launched Hindi-GEC, Shemaroo TV, 1 May 2020 onwards.[13]


The series is available to stream in its entirety on Star India's SVOD platform, Hotstar, having also released on DVD in 2014.[14]


1.'Karpura Gauram Karunavataram'6.10
2.'Shiv Shiv (Opening Theme)'2.46
3.'Shankar Shiv Bhole'4.55
4.'Yagyaswaroopaya Mahadev'5.18
5.'Sarvopari Premi Shiv Shankar'2.41
6.'Chandrama Priytam Mere'3.50
7.'Har Bhola Har Har Mahadev'2.23
9.'Sangeet Beena'9.15
10.'Vishweshwaraya Mahadevaya'4.34
11.'Shiva Rudrastakam'2.22
12.'O Mere Raj Dulare'2.27
13.'Mere Jalandhar Mere Munna'2.13
14.'Ritu Basant Aa Gayi'2.53
15.'Mann Re Tu Kitna Bebass Hai'4.42
16.'Babul Ke Ghar Se Chali'1.23
17.'Shiv Tandav Stuti'3.27
18.'Maharoop Mahakaaya'2.24

Har Har Mahadev Episode 261


Initially, the series started with a rating of 0.7 TVR. In six months it improved to 2 and sometimes got 3 TVR.[15] As in February 2013, it garnered an average rating of 3TVR.[16] Later, the episode of 9 September 2012, featuring Kali killing the demon Raktabija rated the show its highest viewership with an 8.2 TVR being the highest TVR garnered during the year.[17][18]


  1. ^'Mythology makes a tentative comeback on Indian television'. Business Today.
  2. ^'Why you won't see Lord Shiva in a reality show'. Rediff.com.
  3. ^'Lords of the small screen'. Deccan Herald.
  4. ^Bhopatkar, Tejashree (29 October 2012). 'Sanjay Swaraj and Ojaswi Oberoi in Devon Ke Dev..Mahadev'. The Times of India. Retrieved 7 November 2012.
  5. ^Debarati S Sen (2 November 2012). 'Ritoo Jenjani creates a Goddess'. The Times of India. Retrieved 7 November 2012.
  6. ^'Indian TV gets bigger with better budgets'. The Times of India.
  7. ^'I had given notice three months ago: Sonarika Bhadoria'. Business Standard.
  8. ^'Mahadev to get a new Parvati again'. The Times of India.
  9. ^'Mouni Roy returns as Sati on 'Devon Ke Dev Mahadev' after a two-year hiatus'. The Indian Express.
  10. ^'Fire on the sets of Devon Ke Dev.. Mahadev, no injuries'. NDTV.
  11. ^'Star Suvarna to air Hara Hara Mahadeva Mahime'. The Times of India.
  12. ^'Star Bharat experiments with early morning slot'. Indian Television.
  13. ^'Shemaroo simulcasts TV content on Facebook'. exchange4media. 4 May 2020.
  14. ^'Life Ok's Devon Ke Dev.. Mahadev launched on DVD'. Indian Television.
  15. ^'An epic battle'. The Financial Express.
  16. ^'DAS capital'. The Times of India.
  17. ^'Mahadev tops TRP charts with a new record of 8.2 TVR'. The Times of India. 21 September 2012. Retrieved 24 September 2012.
  18. ^'Life OK's Mahadev top-viewed'. Business Standard.

Har Har Mahadev Episode 410

External links[edit]

  • Official Website on hotstar
  • Devon Ke Dev Mahadev on IMDb

Har Har Mahadev Episode All

Har Har Mahadev Episode 3

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